2024 8th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation

ICITT 2023 @ Madrid, Spain

Hybrid Mode

2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation has been successfully held in Madrid, Spain during September 18-20, 2023. On behalf of the organizing committee, we appreciate the participation and support of all the attendees, including the plenary speaker, keynote speakers, authors, presenters, delegates, program committee members, the external reviewers. We look forward to seeing you all in Florence, Italy at ICITT 2024.

Accepted and presented papers has been included into a volume of the Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering book series, published by IOS Press. The book series is indexed by EI Compendex, and Scopus.

Onsite Session II
Online Session II


Excellent Oral Presentations

On the Way to Reliable Trajectory Prediction in Urban Traffic
Authors: Rock Teresa, Bleher Thomas, Bahram Mohammad, Marker Stefanie
Presenter: Teresa Rock, BMW Group & TU Berlin, Germany

AI-Driven Real-time Incident Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Authors: Georgia Gkioka, Monica Dominguez, Athina Tympakianaki, Gregoris Mentzas
Presenter: Georgia Gkioka, ICCS, NTUA, Greece

Coordinated Scheduling Optimization of Series Cascaded Ship Locks based on Inland Ship Flow Characteristic Analysis
Authors: Nini Zhang, Sudong Xu, Xiangtong Chen
Presenter: Nini Zhang, Southeast University, China

Analysis and Characterization of Vehicular Traffic in a Low Emission Zone
Authors: Laura Saldarriaga Higuita, Gustavo Adolfo Patiño Álvarez
Presenter: Laura Saldarriaga Higuita, Universidad de Antioquia, Columbia

A Collaborative Optimization Method for Train Scheduling and Passenger Flow Assignment Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Xinyi Ning, Wei Dong, Xinya Sun, Yindong Ji
Presenter: Xinyi Ning, Tsinghua University, China

Real-Time Idling Vehicles Detection using Combined Audio-Visual Deep Learning
Authors: Xiwen Li, Tristalee Mangin, Surojit Saha, Evan Blanchard, Dillon Tang, Henry Poppe, Ouk Choi, Kerry Kelly, Ross Whitaker
Presenter: Xiwen Li, University of Utah, USA

Urban Traffic Flow Predictions with Impacts of Weather and Holidays
Authors: Jenitta Pragalathan, Dieter Schramm
Presenter: Jenitta Pragalathan, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany

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